Insurance Market Cat Risk and Climate Change Group
Since mid-2020, discussions have begun for people wanting to enrich the ever-changing guidance that we get on climate change. There is now an insurance industry group of people keen to pitch-in and help-out to look at the interface of catastrophe risk and climate change from two perspectives:
1) Disseminating information around the "state of play" in climate risk assessment for various catastrophe peril/regions [e.g. EU/US FL, US HU, EU WS, JP TY] with a bibliography of latest research and also live peril/region documents that boils down the latest academic research into useful, actionable information. Organised by Richard Dixon of CatInsight.
2) Methods of incorporation of climate risk into risk models/risk functions including physical risk pricing adjustment, climate risk disclosures, communications and impact pathways [links between physical + transition + liability risks]. Organised by Tom Philp of Maximum Information.
The target for this work? Anyone in the insurance industry: cat modellers, exposure managers, cat model vendors, actuaries, underwriters, brokers. We are very glad that representatives from all these disciplines are involved with the group and would be happy for others to join. It's not for a profit, not for commercial gain, data and thought-sharing exercise.
There are currently 60+ people signed up to the group, many of whom are actively helping. More details will appear here in due course but if you're interested and want to roll your sleeves up and help out please contact the group at this email address.